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In Memory of:

Dr. C. Norman Shealy
December 4, 1932 - July 8, 2024

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Part 3: CUTV News Radio Welcomes Back Dr. C. Norman Shealy of Shealy Wellness


Fair Grove, MO – Dr. C. Norman Shealy is the world’s leading expert in natural chronic pain relief solutions and the first physician to specialize in the resolution of chronic pain. A pioneer in developing safe and effective treatments for chronic pain, Dr. Shealy is considered the father of modern pain medicine. He is the inventor of both spinal cord stimulation and the TENS unit, which revolutionized the treatment of pain and remain the standard for managing chronic pain worldwide. In 1974, Dr. Shealy established Shealy Wellness to complement his frequent lectures on alternative pain treatments.


To that end, Dr. Shealy has expanded his practice beyond the scope of physical pain to address psychological pain like anxiety, depression and addiction through electromagnetic field therapy.


“Curing an addict is in my experience harder than any other psychological problem,” says Dr. Shealy. “I consider our newest discovery of the use of specific pulse electromagnetic field therapy to be potentially the most important discovery of my life.”


According to Dr. Shealy, using a chakra sweep pulse electromagnetic field device puts the brain immediately into gamma frequency. Gamma is the optimal creativity of the brain, that feeling when you’re in the zone.


“The interesting thing is that gamma frequency is missing from every single person with any disease, but especially people who are depressed or anxious or drug addicts,” says Dr. Shealy. “We have done this on enough people to prove unequivocally that no matter how depressed you are, it almost instantly produces gamma activity and make people feel good.”


For more information, visit

Part 2: CUTV News Radio spotlights Dr. C. Norman Shealy of Shealy Wellness


Part 1: CUTV News Radio spotlights Dr. C. Norman Shealy of Shealy Wellness

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